Seated Hip Adduction (Seated Hip Adduction) is generally implemented with a tensioner and mainly exercises the thigh adductor muscles.

Target muscle group: Adductor muscle group of thigh (Adductor magnus, Adductor longus, adductor brevis, gracilis, pectineus, etc.)

Action essentials:

1. Bear weight on the ankle with a tensioner, hold the fixed object on the opposite side and stand sideways in the direction of the force-bearing point, use the supporting leg to exert force and grasp the ground with the foot to maintain body stability.

2. The training leg is started in front of the supporting leg. The adductor muscles of the thigh use force to pull the tensioner inward until the training leg contacts the supporting leg, or at a slight angle. Stop for about 1 second and fully understand the inner movement. The adductor muscle group contracts at its peak, and then slowly returns to yield.


1. Must always maintain the The body should be upright, chest raised and abdomen retracted, and the target leg should be straightened to prevent the body from falling from side to side. When practicing, you must always focus on the thigh adductors.

2. This action can also be performed on a special leg side pull trainer:

3. If girls are not strong enough, they can use non-strength ones:

Designed with Fitness Methods