The waist muscles and abdominal muscles are the basis of our core strength. Once our waist muscles and abdominal muscles are weak, we will be unable to do some movements. So we need to exercise abdominal muscles and waist muscles. So how do you think we should exercise waist muscles and abdominal muscles? Let’s go take a look below!

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1. Barbell seated rotation exercises

If you want to exercise your waist muscles in your daily life, you can This factory performs barbell seated rotation exercises. This kind of exercise can make your external oblique muscles tighter, but to master the scientific essentials of the action, you need to sit at one end of a stool, then put your feet flat on the ground, and hold the vertical bar with both hands comfortably apart. both ends of the rack.

2. Sit-ups

The main force point of sit-ups is the waist. If you can persist in doing sit-ups, then You can see results within a month. In addition to exercising the waist muscles, sit-ups also have a fat-burning effect. For female friends who have fat on their waists and want to lose fat, sit-ups are a very good choice.

3. Plank support

Plank support also requires strength from the waist and abdomen, so it will be very useful for friends who are just starting to do plank support. If you are tired, you need more willpower to persevere. However, it is worth noting that the exercise of plank support needs to be done in a moderate amount and gradually. Do not exercise for a long time at one time and overload. You will find that your muscles are very sore the next day.

4. Dumbbell Squat Exercise

Lift dumbbells with both hands to increase the weight, and then perform squat exercise, which can not only exercise our legs Muscles, waist and abdominal muscles are also a key power point, and dumbbells can also increase the weight according to the degree of our exercise. They can be lighter at the beginning, and then gradually increase in weight to achieve better results.

Designed with Fitness Methods