When the triceps circumference is basically satisfactory, you need to perform muscle line drawing exercises. The Cable Pushdown with the standing arms in front of the chest is a classic movement that depicts the lines of the triceps brachii. While enhancing the endurance of the triceps brachii, the muscle fibers will be clearly distinguished, thus achieving the purpose of sculpting the muscle lines of the triceps brachii.

Target exercise area:Character triceps lines

< span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">Triceps training method Action essentials:

1. Face arm strength training Stand with your feet apart on the machine, with your chest raised, your abdomen tight, and your waist tight. Bend your arms and hold the handles at both ends of the resistance bar (straight bar, V-shaped, rope set, etc. in different forms, as shown below:) with your arms bent and the distance between your hands smaller than shoulder width. The elbow joint is close to the side of the body.

Straight rod:

V-bar :

Rope handle rope attachment:

2. Inhale, press the resistance bar down with your forearm to straighten the arm, pause for 2 to 3 seconds; then exhale, slowly return to the position, and feel the triceps The muscles are still working hard; repeat the exercise


1. Pay attention to the speed: the pressing time of the movement should be 1 second, and a certain explosive force is required; the recovery time of the movement should be 2-3 seconds, and the control of the triceps brachii can be fully felt.

Designed with Fitness Methods