In this video Flex Fitness personal trainer, Alistair Hopper, demonstrates a great workout format that you can use for any exercise. For this video a kettlebell squat swing is used and is a great exercise that uses many different muscle groups. Technique is very important and especially as you make your way through this format, because as you get tired your technique may suffer. If you find that your technique starts to suffer then drop the weight of the kettlebell you are using. The format used is as follows:

  • Set your timer for 1 minute rounds.

  • For every round do the same number of reps according to what minute you are on. For example if you are on minute 7 then you have one minute to complete all 7 reps.

  • As you get higher in the rep range then your rest time goes down because of fatigue and more reps needed to be completed in the one minute window.

  • Continue to as high of a minute level as you can, as long as you complete all the reps for the according level you are on.

    Enjoy and contact us today for more great workout ideas like this!

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