In this blog post Flex Fitness personal trainer, Jessi Montgomery, talks about her journey with exercise and some of the reasons she believes all woman should do some form of resistance training.

In the past, weight training for women wasn't very popular due to the misconception that lifting weights makes you bulky or "manly". However, this is completely inaccurate and has been proven so over the recent years. As a female bodybuilder and personal trainer, I've been subjected to most of this poor judgement. In my opinion, having muscle as a woman is not manly whatsoever. In fact, I believe it is a physical representation of our dedication and strong work ethic that is required to obtain that physique. Don't let the opinions of others hold you back from being the best version of you!

Listed here are some of the top reasons that I believe why women can benefit from resistance training:

- improved confidence in all aspects of your life

- prevention of injuries doing everyday activities

- weight loss and giving a healthy shape to your body

- stress relief from a busy day at work

- improved mental and physical health

Contact Jessi today

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