Now we know that “FITT” is spelled incorrectly but it stands for the acronym Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type as a principle of training. When you are starting to plan your exercise program this principle of training is a great tool to apply with how you will approach your routine. The frequency will be determined by how often you are currently going and what your specific goals are. The intensity will be determined by what point you are at in your periodization of your program and how much recovery time you will need for your next workout. Time is determined by your goals but also by how much time you realistically have to train for your goals within the session and within your given week. The type is very specific to the goals you have (ie muscle gain, sport specific etc). It is also a great way to switch things up in your program to keep your body guessing but to also give your mind some active rest. Doing some physical activity that is completely different from your normal routine can energize you and help you crush your goals.

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